Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday March 19. 2012

We are FINALLY through with our fractions unit!

This week we will move on to our next unit: Integers and the Coordinate Plane

Students will be able to identify both positive and negative integers on a number line, compare and order positive and negative integers, plot points in the appropriate quadrant on the coordinate plane, perform translations, rotations, and reflections on the coordinate plane

This unit will continue for 2 weeks until the end of the 9 weeks.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week of March 12, 2012

Students will be preparing for a 2 part Unit Quiz this Thursday and Friday covering the entire Fractions Unit. Thursday will be short answer questions (solving fraction problems while showing their work) and Friday will be a multiple choice section. The multiple choice questions will range from basic fraction calculations to EOG style word problems. Below is a look at how we will prepare for the quiz

Monday - Begin review stations - Students may work with a partner to work on six stations. (1) Adding/ Subtracting fractions, (2) Multiplying / Dividing fractions, (3) Simplifying fractions, (4) Converting fractions to decimals and percents, (5) Word problems, and (6) solving fraction equations.

Tuesday - Continue review stations

Wednesday - Jeopardy style review game

Thursday - Short answer quiz

Friday - Multiple Choice quiz

This week will be our last week in our fractions unit.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday March 9, 2012

Students did an excellent job this week solving 1 and 2 step equation with fractions. It was a tough week as I asked a lot of them by solving problems in class for 4 days straight. I assured them that Friday would be a more relaxing activity before we get back to work next week.

Today students will be completing a "color by number" worksheet that I have prepared for them. They will also have a list of questions to answer based on how they colored their worksheet. Below is the assignment they will see in class.

Color by number

Write each color as a fraction, decimal, and percent

Fraction Decimal Percent
Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Color 4

For example, if there were 80 total shapes to color and 20 of them were colored blue, they would write 20/80 as their fraction, .25 as a decimal, and 25% as percent.

Next week will be 3 days of review from our entire fractions unit before a quiz/ test on thursday and friday. More details next week!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday March 6, 2012

This week will be focused on solving 1 step algebra equations with fractions. This should be mainly review as we have already solved one step equations with whole numbers and decimals. Below are some examples of 1 step equations

Whole numbers - x + 14 = 26
subtract 14 from both sides to get x = 12

g - 7 = 12
add 7 to both sides to get g = 19

Fractions - m + 1/2 = 5/8
subtract 1/2 from both sides to get m = 1/8

k - 3/4 = 1/8
add 3/4 to both sides to get k = 7/8

Here is what the week looks like

Monday - Solving 1 step equations with addition and subtraction of fractions
Tuesday - Solving 1 step word problems with addition and subtraction of fractions
Wednesday - Solving 1 step equations with multiplication and division of fractions
Thursday - Solving 1 step word problems with multiplication and division of fractions
Friday - TBA