This week we begin our 3 week long EOG review stations. This week will focus on EOG goal 1. I have created 4 different stations that students will complete this week. On Friday, students will take a quiz made up of questions that they should have seen at the stations. They will also receive a grade based on their participation this week. I will be checking their folders to see what they completed at each station. Below are the 4 stations they will see this week
Station 1 - Computers
Students have the opportunity to play different fraction, decimal, percent, and scientific notation games. If they answer the question correctly, they get to play a quick game. If they answer incorrectly, they do not play the game.
Station 2 - EOG word problems
I have printed sample word problems from past EOG exams. Students will have markers and highlighters to pick out key terms and numbers from each problem. They can draw a diagram, number line, or table to help solve these problems. They are encouraged to cross out unreasonable answers until they are left with the correct answer. I have provided an answer key that shows the steps to solving each problem so they can check their answers
Station 3 - Number line / Calculator Station
Students are given a number line and 27 different values that must be placed correctly on the number line. Values are given in whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. If each value is placed in the correct location, they will solve the riddle "why do sharks swim in salt water?"
Station 4 - Problem Solving / Re-teach
This station includes a worksheet of sample problems from all of Goal 1. I will be working mainly with this station answering any questions or refreshing students on how to perform these operations. Questions include...
Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators, adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, finding the percent of a number, scientific notation, prime factorization, finding the GCF, and finding the LCM