Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday November 21, 2011

Today students will begin their 3 day graphing assignment. They will be using data that I have collected to create a graph. They will also have the option to use weather data for any city in the world that they can gather from and use for their graph. They will have monday and tuesday this week to construct their graph and answer the provided questions. When they return to school on Monday they will complete their writing assignment in class based on their graph and the answers to their questions. Below are instructions and grading scale for the assignment

Analyzing data, graphing, and writing assignment
Assignment will be divided into two parts. Total score will count as a test grade
Students will be given a set of data in which they will create a bar graph. There should be at least 9 pieces of data used in the graph. Each student will be given construction paper, a ruler, colored pencils or markers, and a data set. Graphs should include all necessary labels, units, and a key (if necessary). Students should use different colors to create contrast so that the graph is easily read. Students will be given 2 days in class to analyze their data and create their graph. They will be given 1 day in class to write their paper. When the graph is complete, students should be able to answer the following.
What does this graph demonstrate?
What are the range, median, mean (estimated and actual), and mode of your data?
Are there any outliers in your data set?
Is there any way that your graph could be misleading?

Part 1 - Graph (50 points)
45-50    Graph is presented clearly and accurately and includes all correct labels including a title, vertical and horizontal axis labels, units, and key (if necessary). Graph is organized in a manner that is easily interpreted. Graph includes 9 or more pieces of data.
40-45    Graph has minor flaws including missing labels, inaccurate information, or cannot be easily interpreted. Graph includes 7-8 pieces of data.
0-40    Graph has major flaws in labels, inaccurate information, and cannot be easily interpreted. Graph includes less than 7 pieces of data. Student did not use class time effectively to complete assignment.
Part 2 - Written (50 points)
45-50    Paper is grammatically sound and organized in paragraph form. Paper is at least 1 page long. Student uses at least 4 graphing terms, gives definitions of these terms, and uses these terms to answer the given questions about interpreting their graph. Paper is turned by due date.
40-45    Paper has multiple grammatical flaws and is not organized in paragraphs. Paper does not reach 1 page minimum requirement. Student uses 3 graphing terms and their definitions and uses terms to answer questions about interpreting their graph.
0-40    Paper has major grammatical flaws and is unorganized. Paper is not required length. Student uses less than 3 graphing terms and does not clearly answer the questions about their graph. Paper is not turned in on time.