Sunday, November 6, 2011

Monday November 6, 2011

In my last post I said that the Unit 3 test would be this week, but after looking ahead (and realizing we do not have school this Friday), we will likely wait until next Tuesday for the test. The next few days will look like this....

Monday - Review scientific notation (decimals, powers of 10, standard form, notation form,  etc.)
                   Example:   3.4 x 10^5  =   340,000   - decimal moves 5 places to the right
                                     5.93 x 10^-8 = 0.0000000593  - decimal moves 8 places to the left

Tuesday - Review 1-step equations, now with decimals
                   Example:   5.5k = 22    find k
                   inverse operation of multiplication is division, so divide both sides by 5.5 to isolate
                   the variable
                   k = 4

Wednesday - Review/ practice word problems including decimals
                   Example - John ran 4.5 miles on the track in 40 minutes. How long did each mile take on average?

Thursday - Test review. I will create a review worksheet that will be similar to questions students will see on the test. If they are familiar with the worksheet, they should have no problem doing well on the test.

Friday - No school

Monday - In class review game

Tuesday - Unit 3 test

There may be some changes in the schedule, but this should give students and parents a pretty good idea of what to expect the next couple of weeks.
Also, report cards go home on Monday. Some students did a great job bringing up their grades from where they started. Others have continued to struggle and need to do a better job with thier study habbits.