Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday December 1, 2011

Today we continued to use percents and decimals to figure different percents of a given number. Students should be comfortable with the following conversions

Decimal to Percent
       Move the decimal point 2 places to the right
       Add a % symbol
      Example:   0.84    move decimal right 2 places to get 84%

Percent to Decimal (opposite of above)
      Move decimal point 2 places to the left
      Drop the % symbol
     Example:    78%    move decimal 2 places to the left to get .78 and drop percent sign

Fraction to Decimal
       Divide the numerator by the denominator (top # divided by bottom #)
      Example:    1/4   = 0.25           (students must be familiar with adding a decimal point and zeros into the dividend in order to perform this operation)

We then practiced finding a percent of a given number. For example

Find 32% of 94

First step is to change 32% to a decimal by moving the decimal two places to the left and getting .32

Second step is to multiply this decimal by 94 to get 30.08

Homework tonight is page 61 in their workbook. Only the odd numbered problems 1-19

On another note, I have noticed that there are a few students that are struggling with long division. I will be making a hand out with step by step instructions that they should study and practice with. This is a skill they should have learned in 4th and 5th grade and we do not have time to spend a lot of time in class reviewing long division. Hopefully the worksheet will catch them up!