Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday November 30, 2011

Hopefully all students have turned in their graphing project by today. It was due yesterday, but some elected to take their project home and turn in today for a deduction in their overall score. If they do not turn it in today, they can still turn it in tomorrow but will be deducted another 5 points for a late graph and 5 points for a late paper.

Today we will introduce percentages. Students took a short pre assessment yesterday and it was clear that none of them have experienced dealing with percents yet. This may be the most practical topic they will learn in math class, so it is very important that they stay focused throughout this unit. Students will take notes today and practice converting decimals to percents and percents to decimals. I have prepared a "hundreds chart" that they will shade in and determine what percentage of the chart is colored. They will then convert that percent to a decimal. Homework tonight is page 59 #s 10-15 and page 60 #s 1-9 in their work books.

Tomorrow we will begin applying percents to real life scenarios. Friday will be an activity to practice using percents.

Next week students will be introduced to their upcoming in class project that will continue until Christmas break. Students will be given the opportunity to choose a career, find a place to live, pay bills, balance a checkbook, etc. Everyday they will be given a new task that will involve adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing by decimals and percents. The project is designed to keep students engaged in the skills they have learned over the past month and apply their knowledge to scenarios they will be faced with in their lives. More info to come....