Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday November 22, 2011

Today students will continue working on their graphs in class. I will be putting the questions I posted yesterday on the board and students will analyze their graphs to answer these questions. It is important that they use this time to answer these questions so when they return to class next monday, they will have all the necessary information for their written assignment. The questions will be on the board all class, but students will be required to stop drawing/ coloring their graphs 20 minutes before class ends so they will have time to answer each question.

I will be out of town next monday so students will have a sub all day in my class. The sub will return the graphs to students so they can use their graphs and the answer to their questions to complete their written assignment in class. If they do not complete their writing in class, they will be able to take it home for homework and turn it in on Tuesday.

REMEMBER - this assignment is counted as a test grade. This is a great opportunity for all students to raise their grade. There were quite a few students that were not satisfied with their performance on the last test, so I am encouraging them to put their best effort in to this assignment