Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friday October 7

Friday we will use the last 25 minutes of class for our exit quiz over Evaluating expressions and Solving equations

The quiz will consist of 8 questions ( I told the class 6, we added 2 more)

(1) addition 1-step equation  ex.   x + 5 = 20
(1) subtraction 1-step equation    ex.   g - 7 = 23
(1) multiplication 1-step equation   ex.    5h = 30
(1) division 1-step equation    ex.  d/4 = 10

(3) evaluating expressions    ex.    4x - 5  if x=3
(1) write an expression given data

I will also add an extra credit question

Define the term:
SOLVE - To find the value of a variable

The first 25 minutes of class will consist of a group review relay game to practice evaluating expressions. Students will work in teams of 5 to "race" to evaluate a group of expressions

Students have known about this quiz all week and I feel that they have a good understanding of this material. I am looking forward to a lot of good grades on this quiz!