Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday October 6

First thing today I will check for completion of last night's homework on 1 -step equations. I will take a grade based on the effort they put into homework. If students attempted to complete most of the problems, they will score a 100 for their work. If it is clear that they did not attempt to solve the equations, their grade will be lower.

We will then review the homework and go over any type of problems that students had a problem with. They seemed to "get it" during class when I could help them with their practice,  but I am sure that some struggled when they got home and were on their own.

We will then look into word problems and 1-step equations. There were 4 word problems on their homework that they were instructed NOT to do last night. Again, the EOG loves to put simple problems in word form so students need to be able to translate words into an equation then solve the equation.

An example of an EOG style word problem would look like...

John had a bag with 60 total pieces of candy. He and his friends ate a total of 24 pieces. Write an equation that shows how much candy he has left in his bag.

answer:     24 + X = 60

Many students come up with 60 - 24 = X which is also true. When they come up with this answer, they are actually completing the "isolate the variable" step in their heads. The important thing is that they realize that these 2 answers are the same.

ALSO, reminder that there is TUTORING today from 3:30-4:30. Please have transportation arrangements and have your child sign up in my class if they plan on attending tutoring

Quiz on Friday over evaluating equations and solving 1 step equations.