Sunday, October 16, 2011

Monday October 17, 2011

Monday students will receive their graded Unit 2 test from Friday. The test should have looked VERY familiar to students as the study guide which they received on Wednesday was very similar to the test itself. I was very happy with many of the scores, but there is still plenty of room for improvement from many students.

Some of the low scores really got me thinking about ways for students to help bring their grade up. I am OK with some extra credit, but I also believe that a students grade should reflect the amount of effort they put into their studies. What I don't want to see is students failing their tests, not comprehending/ studying the material, then relying on extra credit to make up their grade.

Here is what I came up with...

Students will be allowed to make up one third of their missed points on the Unit 2 test. For example, if a student scored a 70 on the test, that means they missed 30 points. They will have the opportunity to make up 10 of those points and raise their score to an 80. If a student scored a 94, they missed 6 points, and they will have the opportunity to make up 2 points and raise their score to a 96.
To do so, students must write out the problems that they missed, and IN WORDS, explain the steps to take to solve the question. They will have class time Monday, and the assignment will be due on Tuesday.

Unit 3 will begin with a pre-test on Tuesday!